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Hyper Surfaces of Almost Co- Quaternion Manif...

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Hyper Surfaces of Almost Co- Quaternion Manif...

Hyper Surfaces of Almost Co- Quaternion Manifold–I

Author Name : Savita Verma


Hashimoto [1], Yano, Ishihara and Konishi [2] ,Pandey[4], etc. have studied almost Co –Quaternion manifold and their properties. The studies of Almost Quaternion manifolds equipped with different structure have been made by Ishihara [5], Mishra [3] and pandey[4].

In this paper, we have studied the Hypersurfaces of almost- Co-Quaternion manifolds and have shown that the hypersurfaces of Almost Co- Quaternion manifold Mn ,(n =4m +1) is an almost Co- Quaternion manifold M4n . if the structure contact vector T in M4n+1 is normal to M4n . we have  also proved that the hypersurfaces of  Quaternion Cosymplectic  manifold is a Quaternion Kahler manifold.

Key Words:Hypersurfaces of almost- Co-Quaternion manifolds,Quaternion Cosymplectic  manifold,Quaternion Kahler manifold, Einstein’ s Summation convention,induced Riemannian connection etc..