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Identification and Determination of the Benth...

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Identification and Determination of the Benth...

Identification and Determination of the Benthic Organisms in Sediment Analysis

Author Name : Challa. Pujambica, Duddula. Anusha, Swarna L Gudapati, Ummidi. Srinivasa Rao

ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to investigate about : To collect the marine sediment and to determine the benthic organisms , their identification and count by microscopic method. Benthic Macro Invertebrates or benthos, {Benthic = lowest part, macro = large, invertebrate = animal without a backbone} are organisms that live on the bottom of streams and rivers.  The sampling protocols described in this document were designed to generate data sufficient to characterize the benthic macro invertebrate assemblage. In this publication paper, providing information about the reasons of toxication to the benthic organisms which are present in the sediment. In fact, micro plastics are omnipresent in the marine environment. Due to mining activities, concentration of uranium increased, leads to contaminate the organisms