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Implementation of Intelligence Mirror using R...

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Implementation of Intelligence Mirror using R...

Implementation of Intelligence Mirror using Raspberry Pi

Author Name : Chandana T G, Megha, Nikhitha B U, Rahamatunnisa, Mr. Vinod Kumar H

ABSTRACT The intelligence mirror is a device that function as mirror with additional capability of displaying multimedia data, such as news, weather, calendar, time, compliments, Email. Our paper aim is to design both face recognition as well as home automation. Still now we implemented only face recognition. Every morning people spend at least 5 to 10 minutes of time in front of mirror. We have seen clocks mounted on the wall, displays at the airport, and similarly our paper aim is to bring this technology to our home appliances. The Raspberry pi is connected to the monitor via HDMI cable as well as it also has inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interfaces and it has to recognition the face and displaying the customized features such as time, weather, calendar, and so on which is presented in the Raspberry Pi.