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Imposter Syndrome (Fraud Syndrome) - A Review

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Imposter Syndrome (Fraud Syndrome) - A Review

Imposter Syndrome (Fraud Syndrome) - A Review

Author Name : Ms. Beulah Jasmine Rao

ABSTRACT Impostor Syndrome is a self-fulfilling pattern of thought, in which you consider yourself to be a fraud. You doubt your own intelligence and talents and think that anyone who believes otherwise is either "being nice" or has somehow been fooled into believing this. To overcome Impostor Syndrome, you need to break the pattern of setting unattainable standards and thinking that external, temporary factors such as luck, or the help of other people, are responsible for your success. You also need to stop blaming your own personal shortcomings for mistakes or failures. Talk to others about how you feel. Overcome your perfectionist tendencies by setting realistic goals for yourself and accept that mistakes and failures are a part of life.Finally, take ownership of your successes. Learn how to take a compliment and draw strength from it