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India in BRICS and its impact on World’s Po...

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India in BRICS and its impact on World’s Po...

India in BRICS and its impact on World’s Politics

Author Name : Desh Deepak Gautam, Dr. Anurag Ratan


This research paper is very useful for the student of Political Science and International relation, also for who are interested in India’s foreign policy and world politics. In this research paper there is comparative study of India and BRICS member countries. How they are affecting the world? What is the benefit of BRICS? What is the impact of India in World politics? At present time India is emerging very vastly. We all have seen during corona pandemic how India helps other counties for medicine and other medical supply. At Doklam conflict we have seen the effect of India. India plays an important role in the formation of New Development Bank. These are the some example that shows the effects of India are very vast at present time. For writing this research paper there has used comparative research methodology. During writing this research paper there has been taking of that there shall be no error. But if some error found so please forgive us. This is my first research paper so please give some affection by reading this.