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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Influence of Attitude of Primary and Upper Pr...

Influence of Attitude of Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers towards Inclusive Education

Author Name : Smt. A .V .S .Prasanna, Dr. N. Anu Radha


The present study aimed to investigate the attitude of primary and upper primary school teachers with reference to some selected socio – demographic variables towards inclusive education. The sample of the survey consists of 500 primary and upper primary school teachers working in Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh. Research data was collected by using Attitude towards inclusive education scale preliminary prepared by Dr. Vishal sood and Arti Anand. The results of this survey showed that the perceptions of the teachers were differ based on socio demographic variables. And the Administrative attitude influences more towards inclusive education.

Keywords: Attitude, Inclusive Education, Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers.