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Insights into Health Benefits of Traditional Yoga and Power Yoga Practices

Author Name : N. Dhuraimurugan, Dr. K. Krishnasamy


This article is literature review and give basis for the ongoing research study which is titled as Effect of Traditional Yoga and power yoga practices on selected anthropometric physical physiological and psychological variables. Traditional yoga practices are based on the classical yoga texts written by great yogis, rishis and sages thousands of years ago in Eastern country specially in India. Traditional yoga practices consist of asanas, pranayama, Kriyas, Mudras and Bandhas. This is also called classical hatha yoga practices. Traditional yoga practices focuses both internal and external i.e physical and mental level. Traditional yoga practices performed in slow and steady manner rhythmically.  Numerous health benefits can be achieved by doing traditional yoga practices regularly and continuously which will lead finally for spiritual elevation. It focuses all round development of a person. In other hand power yoga is developed in western  countries specially in United states. Power yoga practices focuses on largely physical level. Power yoga practices performed in speedy manner and very intensely. Both forms of practices will benefit their own way. Many more research is needed to get and publish the benefits scientifically. This article will provide overview of Traditional yoga and power practices and general health benefits of them.

Keywords: yoga health benefits, Traditional Yoga, Power yoga, Yoga Practices