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Integrated Approach towards Cancer Prevention...

Integrated Approach towards Cancer Prevention through Ayurveda

Author Name : Shital Hari Nartewad, Dr. Sumedh V. Wasnik

ABSTRACT Cancer is leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer is linked to resistance to modernization and an advanced , irregular and stressful living pattern governed by western medicine. Cancer is considered and described as noninflammatory or inflammatory swelling and mentioned as Arbuda or Granthi in the classic text of Ayurveda. According to Sushruta pathogens that infect every region of the body are the primary cause of large neoplasms. Pathogenic damage to blood vessels and muscles brought on by unhealthy diet, poor hygieneand bad habits causes the doshas to become out of balance, which in turn causes tumours to appear, which eventually causes cancer.Ayurveda is known as the science of life and according to it , lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer are equally harmful to both man and women. Ayurveda can be helpful for the treatment of cancer in a number of waysincluding through a variety of pharmacokinetic mechanisms that are preventative , pallatative , curativeand supportive. To maintain good health , adhere to an ayurvedic diet and lifestyle. To obtain optimum health ayurveda suggests following the daily routine (Dincharya) and seasonal regimen (Rutucharya). Maintaining these is essential for good health, including the principles of body constitution (Prakruti),digestion(Agni and Aam), and mind-body health in relation to cancer. The use of ayurvedic modalities is not intended to substitute for allopathic treatments for cancer but as an integrative component for the prevention and restoration of strength and immunity