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IoT Based Covid-19 Setback and Treatment Rela...

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IoT Based Covid-19 Setback and Treatment Rela...

IoT Based Covid-19 Setback and Treatment Related Information

Author Name : Mrs. B. Santhikiran, P. Mounika, K. Sravanthi, A. Ramya


Long back, world have faced a few deadly viruses, which affected the Lifestyle of the Living Beings. They are: Asian flu occurred during 1951-58 in China, Ebola pandemic in West Africa during 2014-16. These viruses are cured and vaccine was found.But, there are some deadly viruses, for which, the vaccine was not yet found. In 2019, a new deadly virus named COVID 19(Corona Virus Disease-2019) had its outbreak and still it is wiping out the human life on the Earth. To avoid this Covid-19, the persons entering into the infected zones should be prohibited. This project just tries to prevent the covid-19, but not aimed for its Cure. To help with this, a device can be implemented which can alert the user based on user’s location (as Latitude and Longitude) and the infected area’s location. To implement this, we use Node- MCU, GPS, and a newly designed app for data upgradation in an LCD display and Buzzer that alerts the user not to enter into the infected area if both user’s location and infected area’s location. Also, the nearly vaccination centers and the hospitals that are treating covid-19 and no. of beds that are available in a hospital also can be informed.

Keywords: Covid-19, Node MCU, GPS, LCD Display, Buzzer, Mobile App.