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IOT Based Smart Greenhouse

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IOT Based Smart Greenhouse

IOT Based Smart Greenhouse

Author Name : Kirana H P, Poojan P Bangera, Rahul Srivatsa S, Suhail I, Gopal Chandra Sarkar





Today not everyone has the right knowledge about agriculture. Also, sometimes peopleare interested in owning a farm but cannot spare additional time, because of a fussy lifestyle. It always turns out to be a hectic as well as time consuming process. This is where SmartGreenhouse comes into use.Greenhouses are used to grow fruits, flowers, vegetables and any other plants thatrequire controlled atmospheric conditions. The productivity can be increased by 30% comparedto traditional cultivation in open areas due to greater control of microclimate and minimizedexternal threats to crops under cultivation.The word smart refers to the intelligence used in the project that assists the farmers tocarry out the work in their farm automatically with the use of very little manual inspection.Smart Green House helps in eliminating most of the above-mentioned problems and mainly focuses on providing a rich growth environment for different types of plants.

KEYWORDS: Node MCU, Temperature sensor, Humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor, internet of things, fire detection, Automation, cellular networks, Internet, measurement of water resources, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), Arduino, GSM, sensors, dc motor control, drip irrigation system.