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IoT Evaluator

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IoT Evaluator

IoT Evaluator

Author Name : Ch Chamundeswari, L Shanmkha Rao


Now a days electrical, electronic appliances and electrical machines are used widely for domestic and commercial applications. As they consume lot of energy, there may be a chance of overload while operating such loads. During such conditions the appliances and machine ratings will be out of range, which leads to failure of such appliances and machines. So to protect such type of appliances and machines it is necessary to detect short circuit condition and overload current. The ASC712 (current) sensor will be used to detect amount of current flows in the system. Microcontroller is implemented in this method and ASC712 sensor is used to detect fault in the system. GSM modem is used to send data from microcontroller to Cloud with location and post number. This paper focuses on identification of fault condition and will send information to the user through SMS so that the user can monitor and detect fault location and take necessary steps to safeguard the appliances and machines.

Keywords: Arduino Nano, GSM Module, Current Sensor.