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Kayani Baker -Monopoly or Monopolistic

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Kayani Baker -Monopoly or Monopolistic

Kayani Baker -Monopoly or Monopolistic

Author Name : T. Suchitra Rani*, P. Kalyani

ABSTRACT Bread, biscuits and cakes & pastries all belong to bakery industry which is one of the fastest growing markets projected to grow US13.3 billion by 2025. Millennials and the ever-demanding nature of the jobs with time crunch is giving the consumers no option of yester years home made snacks. Instead, the bakery items are preferred alternatives with lots of healthy options to choose from. Britannia Industries Limited, Surya Food and Agro Limited, ITC Limited, Parle Products Private, Monginis, Café Coffee Day, Starbucks and many local bakers cater the snacking needs of the consumers. Shrewsbury biscuit and Madeira cake are the specialty products of Kayani bakery from the Pune city and not found in other places. This distinction flavour is not possible with the national players like Britannia who cater to mass markets rather than niche taste. Rustom Kayani is the co-owner of the Bakery which originally catered to only 400 customers on a weekday and a 100 plus on weekends. Off late due to the competition getting intense and with other competitors like Royal Bakery which got into selling Shrewsbury biscuit but they claim their specialty in Butter Rich Biscuits Kayani bakery increased their production capacity of their specialty items like Shrewsbury biscuit and Madeira cake.