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Knowledge regarding Bio Medical Waste Managem...

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Knowledge regarding Bio Medical Waste Managem...

Knowledge regarding Bio Medical Waste Management among nurses during COVID 19 Pandemic

Author Name : Ms. Gyan Jyoti, Ms. Ritu Kumari, Ms. Ratika Sharma


Biomedical waste poses various health and environmental hazards. Hence, it should be handled with the utmost care and disposed off safely. Several lacunas exist in the management of biomedical waste in India, and the pandemic posed by the coronavirus has made it even more challenging. Since the health care workers are at the centre of biomedical waste handling, their knowledge of adequate disposal of biomedical waste is of prime importance. Keeping this in mind, we conducted a study to assess the knowledge regarding of Bio-medical waste management during COVID-19 among staff nurses of Gurugram, Haryana. A descriptive, cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted on 124 nurses by convenient and Snowball sampling technique. Informed consent was taken by each participant. A semi structured closed ended questionnaire was developed to collect data by using the Google form. Result shows that 36 (29.03%) had excellent knowledge, 85 (68.55%) had good knowledge and 03 (2.42%) had poor knowledge regarding Bio medical waste management during COVID 19 pandemic.Conclusion: There is an urgent need to strictly implement biomedical rules in all the health facilities. There should be regular orientation programmes for all health workers.

Keywords: Knowledge, Bio medical waste, Management, Nurses, COVID 19