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Management of Khalitya with Rasayana Chikitsa...

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Management of Khalitya with Rasayana Chikitsa...

Management of Khalitya with Rasayana Chikitsa and Pathyakara Ahara: A Case Study

Author Name : Dr. Vaibhavi Bhavar, Dr. Atal Bihari Trivedi

Having a good hair is ultimately related to good personality and beauty.If you have good hair, you are esteemed and envied by several. In today’s modern generation because of increased workload and hustle-bustle of urban lifestyle people are getting into eating junk food for shortcuts which is unhealthy and non-nutritional. Thus leading them to various lifestyle disorders. Hair fall is one of them which is also called baldness or alopecia. In Ayurvedic classics, Khalitya is practically associated with baldness or alopecia because of the similarity between them. It is mainly the dominant beta Tridoshaja Vyadhi. In the Ayurvedic classic, Acharyas Shodana and Shamana Shikita have been mentioned to calm the worn-out Dosha. Union of both could give a better outcome. In modern science many drugs are used for treatment of hair fall and it gives results also but temporarily also they have their respective limitations due to their adverse effects.

In Ayurveda,various Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa are described for cure of Khalitya - Lepa, Nasya, Raktamokshana, Mridu Virechana are one of the Shodhan Chikitsa.In Shamana Chikitsa, Rasayana plays magical role in management of Khalitya and that too without giving any side effects. To explore the Ayurvedic treatment and their result this case study is undertaken.

KEYWORDS: Rasayana, Hair fall, Khalitya.