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Measuring the Financial Performance using Alt...

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Measuring the Financial Performance using Alt...

Measuring the Financial Performance using Altman’s Z-Score

Author Name : Bhuvanashree G, Dr. Ravichandra Reddy

ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the financial performance and Altman’s Z-score of striking automobile companies in India. By employing financial performance model, this research will gauge the bankruptcy and financial stability of automobile industry. These automobile industries have faced many challenges including fluctuating demand, technological advancement and impact on Global economic condition. To oversee the challenging factor the automobile industry, need robust financial analysis to ensure sustainability Altman’s Z-score helps in analyzing the anticipated financial progress of automobile industry. To achieve the research objectives, data will be collected through annual reports of sample companies. This research helps to present the detailed analysis of each automobile where it helps to analysis profitability, solvency, liquidity and efficiency of each automobile industry. Over all it shows that there should be a strong financial performance and minimizing of bankruptcy risk. These analysis helps the stakeholders to make an informed decision.