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Medi-Care Bot Using Iot

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Medi-Care Bot Using Iot

Medi-Care Bot Using Iot

Author Name : Shaksham Chauhan, Shipra Sharma, Sparsh Agarwal, Vaibhav Sharma


In today’s scenario the world is facing a huge problem which is covid 19. Currently, there is lack of doctors for this situation. To overcome this pandemic situation, a robot is created which is The Medi-care Bot. It plays a crucial role in helping the doctors while serving the patients. It can act as a multitasking robot. The objective of this gadget is to provide medicines to the patients in their bed as prescribed by the doctors and take reading of routine checkup. It also performs multi functions as it can sense the smell and temperature and sends readings to the doctor. It saves a lot of time and work efficiently. Tis robot is based on the IOT (Internet OF Things) technology. The circuitry of this project consists of various components as arduino, NODE MCU, MAX30102 sensor, temperature sensor, servo motor etc.

Key WordsArduino, NODE MCU, Servo motor, Temperature sensor, MAX30102 sensor