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Microwave assisted conversion of N-methyl ani...

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Microwave assisted conversion of N-methyl ani...

Microwave assisted conversion of N-methyl aniline to ortho & para-toluidene

Author Name : Mrunalini Devidas Kulkarni


In the present work N-methyl aniline is converted to p-toluidene. The Hofmann-Martius reaction was studied on N-Methyl aniline with green chemistry approach. The compound was heated with various catalysts in microwave oven. N-Methyl aniline on irradiation with microwave got converted to ortho and p-toluidine where p-touidene was a major product The main products formed were characterized on the basis of its chemical properties and IR spectroscopic data. .  The study reveals that the rearrangement under microwave irradiaton is very clean and rapid method. The reaction conditions and the work up procedures are simple and mild.

Key Words: N-Methyl aniline,  Hofmann-Martius reaction, Microwave. Green chemistry.