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Monumental Role of Digital Platforms in Skill...

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Monumental Role of Digital Platforms in Skill...

Monumental Role of Digital Platforms in Skill Development during Covid-19

Author Name : Jibin Francis, Dr. B. Beneson Thilagar Christadoss


Life was going smoothly until the outbreak of Covid 19 .Corona virus disease 2019 is an infection disease reported first in China in 2019.Withina couple of months this pandemic spread globally and affectedin multiple ways, the normal life of human beings. It affected the smooth functioning and efficiency of many countries and collapsed the economical system. People were instructed to go to quarantine to make sure social distancing. Through social distancing only countries can stop the spread of this pandemic. As per the latest report of Statista published on May 28, 2020 the outbreak of Covid-19 affected six continents; more than 357, 491 people died due to Covid 19.

Quarantining is mandatory until the pandemic is controlled or wiped out. Continuous quarantine makes people feel bored and stressful, but many of them foundtheir own ways to get rid of theboredom of the lockdown by engaging in indoor activities and fostering hobbies. A lot of people started to read books and experiment creative cooking and gardening. Undoubtedly there are a numberof platforms which help individualsto learn and acquire many skills so that the lockdown period can be effectively used. This paper titled as “Monumental Role of Digital Platforms in Skill Development during Covid-19” focuses on various options and opportunities to gain knowledge through digital platforms.

Keywords: Technology, Faculty Development Programs, Workshops, Conferences, E-Quiz.