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Nanda Devi Glacier Burst: A Study of Impact o...

Nanda Devi Glacier Burst: A Study of Impact of Climate Change

Author Name : Shtakshi Sharma, Sahab Deen


The Himalayan mountain range is the home of thousands of glaciers and approximately 19 to 20 rivers originated from these glaciers. The Himalayan mountain range is the youngest mountain range, venerable and fragile in nature. Several disasters took place in this region because of its sensitivity. Nanda Devi group of glaciers is home to 7 glaciers found in the Garhwal Himalayan belt. Bartoli, Kururntoli, Nanda Devi North, Nanda Devi South, Nandakna, Ramani, and Trishul are the parts of the Nanda Devi Group of Glaciers which lay in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. On 7, February 2021 a flood occurred in Rontigad, Rishiganga and Dhauliganga, and Alakananda rivers due to Nanda Devi Glacier Burst. A general term used for glacial burst is Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding which is generated in this region due to the impact of climate change. Several hypothetical reasons are given by so many experts for this flood disaster like climate change, Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding (GLOF), warm winter, and rockslide with ice or avalanche. This alpine glacier disaster adversely impacts the lives of hundreds of people and two hydro projects worth 1,500 crores also destroyed in this flood disaster, even the settlement beside the river banks also adversely affected. This whole flood incident was an impact of climate change because the whole process is related to glacier retreating, melting, and glacial burst.

Keywords: Climate Change, Flood Disaster, Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding (GLOF), GlacierBurst, Retreating Glacier, Uttarakhand.