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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery System For...

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Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery System For...

Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery System For Cancer Treatment:

Author Name : Priyanka Sahane, Pooja Karvande, Dr. Gajanan Sanap

ABSTRACT The use of nanotechnology in the creation of innovative drug delivery systems has attracted a lot of attention lately. A promising method of targeted and regulated drug delivery is represented by nanoparticles. In this situation, poorly soluble medications will become more soluble and bioavailable with the use of nanosuspensions. The benefits, preparation technique, physical properties, and assessment of medication nanosuspensions are the main topics of this paper. The growing science of nanotechnology provides the novel approaches needed for cancer diagnosis and treatment. The components of the biocompatible and biodegradable nanoparticles include a core, a carrier particle, and one or more functional groups on the core that target particular spots.