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Nature as a Companion in a Lonesome Childhoo...

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Nature as a Companion in a Lonesome Childhoo...

Nature as a Companion in a Lonesome Childhood- The Art Depictions by Kavita Singh

Author Name : Nancy Vijan, Dr. Ram Viranjan

ABSTRACT Painting is a form of self-expression and self-discovery. Painting can help an individual to realize what she/he is, what does she/he was, what she/he wants, what she/he wants to express to the world; what message she/he wants to convey to the world. Painting is a creative process that can help the painter to handle criticism and let go of things that are disturbing. Painting has now been compared to meditation for the people who cannot meditate because like in meditation the entire focus is directed at any particular point similar is the art of painting where entire concentration is on the painting and meaningful presentation of thoughts on Canvas/ or paper. Painting is expression of one’s own voice; not as a receiver or respondent, but as an instigator. It can reverse the flow of energy and can direct negative energy into a positive and meaningful way. In this investigative research paper a sycophant fling has been done to guesstimate and abjudge paintings created by Kavita Singh, a splendid and supernal female artist from Punjab, India