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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Author Name : Tejal Santosh Bagwe, Manisha Govind Bhatane, Dr. Nitin Mohire, Prof. Manjusha S. Sanap

ABSTRACT Endogenous substances called neurotransmitters facilitate communication between neurons across the body. By means of chemical synaptic communication, they facilitate the provision of several functions by the brain. These endogenous substances play a crucial role in determining how daily activities are shaped. Chemical synaptic transmission occurs mainly at the postsynaptic receptor via the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic brain cells. Different neurotransmitter levels have been found in a number of neurological conditions, such as depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The chemical messengers in your body are known as neurotransmitters. They transmit signals to the following nerve, muscle, or gland cell from one nerve cell across a gap. These messages support your ability to move your limbs, experience sensations, maintain heart rate, and process and react to all the information your body receives from other internal organs and external stimuli.