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On a New Monogenean Ectoparasites Gyrodactylu...

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On a New Monogenean Ectoparasites Gyrodactylu...

On a New Monogenean Ectoparasites Gyrodactylus neonephrotus simhai n. sp. From Gills of Fresh-water Fish Heteropneustes fossilis of District Gonda, UttarPradesh, India

Author Name : Surya Prakash Mishra


The fresh-water fish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) was collected from local fish market of district Gonda, (U.P.) and examined 56 specimens, of which only 03 specimens were found infected with 12 specimens of said species. The site of infections being the gill filaments of the host. Prior to the present study only four species of the genus Gyrodactylus Nordman, 1832 has been reported from the continent viz. Gyrodactylus elagnus indicus, Tripathi, 1959; Gussev and Fernando, 1984;Gyrodactylus hyderabadensis,Venkatnarsaiah, 1979;Gyrodactylus eutheraponsis Venkatnarsaiah and Kulkarni, 1980 and Gyrodactylus recurvensis, Rukmini and Madhavi, 1989. On the basis of different types of excretory system, Malmberg, 1957 divided the genus Gyrodactylus in to six subgenera, viz. Gyrodactylus gyrodactylus; Gyrodactylus mesonephrotus; Gyrodactylus metanephrotus; Gyrodactylus paranephrotus; Gyrodactylus neonephrotus and Gyrodactylus limnonephrotus. The present form belongs to sub genera Gyrodactylus neonephrotus. However, it differs from earlier known species of the genus in having alae at the base of the anchor root and wing at the shaft of anchor. It is therefore, described as a new species viz. Gyrodactylus neonephrotus simhain. sp. named in honour of Prof. S. S. Simha, for his valuable contribution.

Keywords: Gyrodactylus neonephrotus simhai; Heteropneustes fossilis; Monogenean ectoparasites.