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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Osteomyelitis due to Foreign Body (Battery Ce...

Osteomyelitis due to Foreign Body (Battery Cell) in Ear - A Rare Case Report

Author Name : Mamta Rohilla, S. P. Gulati, Sharad Hernot, Madhuri Kaintura

SUMMARY:  We report a case of 10 years old male child who presented to ENT OPD with history of excessive pain in left ear following pushing button battery in ear. Otoscopic examination revealed a foreign body. X ray mastoid (lateral oblique view) was done which showed a foreign body in the left ear, which was taken out under general anaesthesia. Patient on follow up complained of excessive purulent discharge from left ear which did not respond to oral as well as topical antibiotics. Patient was again planned for examination under microscope under general anaesthesia when biopsy from necrotic bone was taken and sent for histopathological examination. Report revealed osteomyelitis, for which patient was started on rifampicin, to which he responded well.