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Performance of AWGN Channel Using Least Squar...

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Performance of AWGN Channel Using Least Squar...

Performance of AWGN Channel Using Least Square Modified Algorithm

Author Name : Neha, Mrs. Rainu Nandal

ABSTRACT: MIMO-OFDM is commonly used communication system due to its high transmission rate and robustness against multipath fading. In MIMO-OFDM, channel estimation plays a major role. It refers to estimation of transmitted signal bits using the corresponding received signal bits. Among the different channel estimation methods, Least Square (LS), Least Square-Modified (LS-Mod) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) methods are commonly used. In this project, we use 16QAM Modulation and AWGN channel model are implementing by using LS, LS-Modified and MMSE algorithms. In LS estimation, procedure is simple but it has high Mean Square Error. In low SNR, MMSE is better than that of LS, but its main problem is its high computational complexity and LS-Modified is considered to be the best among the three channel estimation methods. The system is simulated in MATLAB and analysed in terms of Bit Error Rate with Signal to Noise Ratio.