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Performance of Cement Sand Mortars Using Dive...

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Performance of Cement Sand Mortars Using Dive...

Performance of Cement Sand Mortars Using Diverse Grades of Sand

Author Name : Parteek, Sandeep Pannu

ABSTRACT : Cement used was ordinary Portland cement. Two diverse grade of sand were selected from the construction material provider who is providing materials in the society. There sand have been named as W and X in data of their fineness modulus. In accepting with the data of fineness modulus of the sand are as following were 1.97 and 1.78 respectively. Mortars were preparing with the cement and sand ratio as 1:3.5 and 1:4.5 with providing constant flow (100+ 6) or with (100+9). All the tested were carried out in accordance with Indian standard code specifications of the mortars. Each of the mortar specimen are tested with the size of 7cm by 4.5 cm of cubes specimens in compression bearing using 3.5cm x 3.5cm x 15cm beam specimen and in tension also.