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Personality Traits of Students of Senior Seco...

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Personality Traits of Students of Senior Seco...

Personality Traits of Students of Senior Secondary Schools in Private & Government Schools

Author Name : Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Joshi


The present study was carried out to compare the Personality characteristics of students in Private and Government Schools in Delhi. In the present study,the Five Personality Trait Inventorydeveloped by Dr. K.S. Misra was used to compare students’ Personality characteristics. Theinventory consists of 50 items divided into Five Traits—I. Conscientiousness, II. Openness,III. Neuroticism, IV. Agreeableness, V. Extraversion. It was administered to SeniorSecondary Students.Theresult of the study revealed that in the Conscientiousness, and Extraversiontraits significant personality differences were revealed whereas, in the Openness, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness traits, no significant personality differences were observed. Gender-wise, the study revealed that there exists no significant difference in Personality traits.

Keywords:  Big Five, Personality Traits,Conscientiousness,Openness, Neuroticism,Agreeableness,Extraversion, Private Schools, Government Schools, Senior Secondary School Students.