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Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Deepika Rasa w.s...

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Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Deepika Rasa w.s...

Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Deepika Rasa w.s.r. to Preparatory Method of Ras Ratna Samuchhya

Author Name : Deepika, K. Shankar Rao,


Deepika Rasa is a herbo-mineral formulation mentioned under Jwara chikitsa in Ras Ratna samuchhya along with different Anupana. It is having ingredients like Shuddha Parad, ShuddhaGandhaka, ShuddhaNaga bhasma, ShuddhaPippali, ShuddhaChitraka, Saindhava lavana and Souvarchal lavana which show significant result on various types of fever. All drugs prepared from Deepika Rasa are having properties like Katu Rasa, Teekshna Guna and Jwaraghana action. Smaller dosage of Rasaushadhis restores the individual’s health immediately. Precaution must be taken throughout the whole procedure while preparing Rasaushadhis. Now-a-days chances of adverse drug reaction also increasesas quality assured drugs are not formulated because Standard operative procedure(SOPs) is not followed properly. Genuine medicines can be prepared by following SOP. The purpose of standardizing traditional remedies is evidently to ensure therapeutic efficacy. To establish the efficacy along with safety of Rasaushadhis, precaution must be taken throughout the complete procedure to formulate the medicine. So here an effort is placed to validate the process of Shodhana of Parad and Gandhaka, and to develop a Standard operative procedure for preparation of DeepikaRasa.

Key words: Deepika Rasa, Rasa Aushadhi, Ras Ratna Samuchhya, SOP.