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Phycoremediation of wastewater using micro al...

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Phycoremediation of wastewater using micro al...

Phycoremediation of wastewater using micro algae and overall treatment removal efficiency analysis of physico-chemical parameters at three discharge effluent source in Gomti river Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Author Name : Sandeep Kumar Verma, Hans Pal, Ajay Prakash Yadav


The present study was undertaken to analyze the performance efficiency with treatment of effluent sewer wastewater by fresh water green algae i.e. Scenedesmus species. Phycoremediationis  the process of removal of pollutants in the wastewater .In this investigation sewer water is taken for the treatment  and treatment before and after algae is concluded  . Sewage wastewater has filled with many nutrient which are helpful for the growth of algae. The micro algae strain is cultured in wastewater taken from three different site in Gomti river for 18 day in three different flasks and optical density absorbance of Scenedesmus species was noted at every two days after inoculation of algae in wastewater on spectrophotometer at 680nm. The highest algae growth optical density was measured at fourteen day this signifies that allvalues after algae treatment is taken at fourteen day. So, the physico-chemical characteristics were  analysed at initial day i.e. before algae treatment and final value is taken on fourteen day after algae treatment.

The study shows a significant removal of the physico-chemical parameters of all three location at three different month which are included in this research work and the treatment performance reduction  efficiency of pH Overall removal performance efficiency is shown by this study was decreased from all three site it shown so overall decrease in efficiency is should be less than 25% , but the all other parameter the treatment performance reduction  efficiency was increased EC, BOD, Total Carbon, TDS , TSS .The result of of the study suggest that Scenedusmus  species algae treatment increase the removal efficiency of physico-chemical parameters and it shows that phycoremediation is very ecofriendly as compare to other natural techniques. In this technique no hazardous by product are produced so this treatment of wastewater is good technique of pollutant removal from wastewater.

Keywords: Phycoremediation, TDS, TSS, BOD, EC, pH, HS, KND, GHCD.