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Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Vanivilas...

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Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Vanivilas...

Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Vanivilas Sagara Reservoir, Karnataka

Author Name : Syed Fasihuddin, E.T.Puttaiah


The diverse use of freshwater is based on the unique physic-chemical properties that render it either unfit for one or multiple uses even after a minor change. Urbanization, industrialization, agriculture, and irrigation have put tremendous pressure on these water resources. In the present investigation, some physico-chemical features of the reservoir at three sectors of the VVSR have been studied and discussed. The geochemical characteristics of the catchment are found to influence the physico-chemical features of the reservoir water to a considerable extent. Based on the values of specific conductivity and hardness, the reservoir water can be categorised under the hard water group. Limestone and other calcareous rocks underlying the water are probably the responsible factors for predominantly hard water nature. There are very few spatial variations among different sectors of the reservoir however, a clear-cut seasonal variation was noticed in the reservoir concerning the limno-chemical parameters.

Keywords: Vanivilas Sagara reservoir, Limnology,  physico-chemical parameters.