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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Physiological Aspects of Ageing: The Variable...

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Physiological Aspects of Ageing: The Variable...

Physiological Aspects of Ageing: The Variables

Author Name : Harmanjot kaur Dulay, Poonam Verma


Ageing has always been accompanied by pathological and physiological variations. Identification of specific markers to identify them has always been an area of interest. This study aims at finding the correlation  of level of severity of COPD and functional capability (represented by the hand grip strength) of elderly individuals. For this case study patients were recruited randomly and were assessed for severity.  This pilot study revealed that HGS was found to be correlated to FEVI of elderly suffering from COPD (r = 0.53) though the correlation was not significant (p = 0.11 at <0.05). This statistics was found to be present only for the dominant hand, whereas non-dominant hand showed a weak correlation with FEV1 (r = 0.46) of the elderly subjects which was also non significant at p<0.05.