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Physiotherapy Mobile Applications: A Systemat...

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Physiotherapy Mobile Applications: A Systemat...

Physiotherapy Mobile Applications: A Systematic Review

Author Name : Megha, Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Yash Pratap, Neeraj Kumar, Rahul Sharma


Mobile health (mhealth) is becoming a popular option in underserved areas where there is a large population and widespread mobile phone use. The mobile revolution is offering an unprecedented opportunity to provide medical support when and where people need it. Large numbers and varieties of medical and health-related apps exist on the market today. There are a wide range of mobile apps available for healthcare professionals, medical students, patients and the general public. Specific to physiotherapy home exercise programs, smart phone applications provide a new and emerging way to deliver physiotherapy that promotes active participation from both the physiotherapist and patient throughout the course of treatment.

Aims and objectives: To study the various mobile phone applications pertaining to physiotherapy.