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Police Perceptions on False Accusations of Se...

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Police Perceptions on False Accusations of Se...

Police Perceptions on False Accusations of Sexual Assault

Author Name : Sameena Nabi, Dr Akhilesh Ranaut


In-depth conversations with Indian police officials who work with reports of abuse on a daily basis to discuss sexual assault stereotypes, policies and procedures. The survey finds that the estimate of unfounded claims by police officers ranged significantly from 5% to 90%. The report discusses how police officers assess the supposed truthfulness of abuse accusations. It further reveals that police officials distinguish between 'forms' of reporting which they deem fake and act on the basis of a 'hierarchy' of alleged false allegations. This will show that considerable change is made in the functioning of the police. Police and officers respond to sexual assault, gender perceptions regarding women as deceitful, vengeful and inevitably regrettable. The thought of certain officers continues to penetrate sexual experiences. It concludes that it helps to strengthen a society that promotes and replicates gender disparity and its manifestation.