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Preparation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Fast D...

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Preparation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Fast D...

Preparation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Oral Film of Diltiazem

Author Name : Ashwini Patil, Vivek Gupta, Tejas Pachpute

ABSTRACT A calcium channel blocker called diltiazem is used to treat angina pectoris and hypertension. This study aimed to create a Diltiazem fast-dissolving film for the treatment of hypertension by varying the concentrations of polymers such as HPMC E15 and Polyethylene Glycol 400. Diltiazem films were made by the solvent casting technique with various ratios of polymers. As a plasticizer, polyethylene glycol 400 was employed. A number of physical characteristics were applied to the films, including surface pH analysis, in vitro drug release, drug content, weight uniformity, folding endurance. Evaluations of the films' thickness, weight homogeneity, in-vitro drug release, folding durability, drug content, and disintegration time revealed that they were satisfactory. It was discovered that every film had a neutral pH on its surface. The formulation F5 demonstrated acceptable in all aspects, a disintegration time of 32.45 seconds, an effective in vitro drug release rate of 96.65%, a suitable pH, and a drug content of 99.63%.