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Priority Sector Lending: How Well IT Works Fo...

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Priority Sector Lending: How Well IT Works Fo...

Priority Sector Lending: How Well IT Works For Education Sector

Author Name : Miss Anjali Yadav

ABSTRACT Education has gained a lot of exposure in recent times. Earlier due to lack of knowledge and awareness very few people strived to get higher education. But in today’s times in every household a discussion regarding providing the best education to their children is going on. Every parent works hard so that their kids can get the best education from the best colleges. But is it so easy? With the introduction of Reserve Bank of India’s Priority Sector Lending the government has made an effort to help the students with the funds required by them to study by making education a priority sector and limiting the amount of loan taken by each student for his/her education. But getting these loans and funds for educationhas become easier or they have created a situation of confusion and helplessness for the students who have no other option but to take loans for their studies. In this paper I would study the benefits of PSL limit and the need for reconsideration of this limit in the education sector.