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Profile of Complication of thyroid surgery

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Profile of Complication of thyroid surgery

Profile of Complication of thyroid surgery

Author Name : Hansraj Ranga, Bhavinder Arora, Rajat Batra, Deepak Garg, Prof. Pardeep Garg, Dr Naveen Verma, Dr Hemant Kamal

Introduction: Surgeries on thyroid are routinely common practiced surgery. Perioperative and post operative complications still exits and some of immediate postoperative complication can be life threatning if not properly dealt with.
Material and Method: The present study was done to evaluate peri operative and post operative complication related to thyroid surgery and their management strategy in 50 patients undergoing various thyroid surgeries in our hospital.
Results: 22% patients had hypothyroidism in follow up period, 2% during hospital stay.12% patients had hypoparathyrodism during hospital stay and 6% during follow up, 8% transient RLN palsy, 2% permanent RLN palsy, other rare complications include wound infection , seroma formation, superior laryngeal nerve palsy. Post operative haemorrhage was not found even in a single case.
Conclusion: Hypoparathyrodism was the most common complication during during hospital stay (12%) and hypothyroidism (22%) during follow up periods. In spite of all measures keen observation during in peri and postoperative period is important to look for complications for early intervention.