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Progress towards Rural Upliftment in India by...

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Progress towards Rural Upliftment in India by...

Progress towards Rural Upliftment in India by NRLM

Author Name : Ms. Mahak, Mr. Bijender Kumar

ABSTRACT   NRLM is the comprehensive poverty alleviation scheme launched by the government of India in June 2010 for the socio-economic development of poor in the country. It aims to reach out to the poor households and connect them to sustainable livelihood opportunities and nurture them to come out of poverty and to lead a good standard of life. This study is based on secondary data. The data has been sourced from the reports of NRLM mission documents, NRLM mission framework for implementation, five year plan documents. It functions on some building like earning options for the poor, skills development for the job market and encourage them for self-employment. It is concluded that the government is able to control the poverty at center as well as state levels through Self Help Groups (SHGs). However there are huge challenges before the center and state government that need to be addressed carefully only than the objective of sustainable livelihood opportunities can be achieved. The success of this program actually rely on right thinking, quality management as well as social responsibility of all levels of government.