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Relationship marketing a focus area in touris...

Relationship marketing a focus area in tourism sector

Author Name : Ajaz Ahmed Mistree, Prof.(Dr). Shabir Ahmad Bhat

ABSTRACT Focus area by Academia and practitioners as “relationship marketing” in service sector achieved exhilaration since its commencement. However, travel and tourism shares major share in the development of the focus subject like airlines’ frequent programs, hotels loyalty clubs etc. These are quite visible examples in the subject under focus. Preceding to relationship marketing, the new business ideas could not evaluated the extent RM achieved by academicians while developing theories which later put forward by practitioners. It is admitted fact, research revels relationship marketing understanding differs with sector itself. Moreover the concept does revolve around customer retention .keeping in view developing stage and significance of various schemes to develop customer preservation rates, it is imperative to have understanding in the underlying principles on which such schemes arc based and finally to the link with profitability. Hence, this paper pursues to place the concept of relationship marketing restricted to travel and tourism sector. It defines a range of activity from the short-term and pre-emptive to the long-term activities which are recognized as the fundamental base of the marketing concept.