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Rethinking of Gandhian ideology in the Manage...

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Rethinking of Gandhian ideology in the Manage...

Rethinking of Gandhian ideology in the Management of Unemployment in Assam in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic

Author Name : Hridaya Hazarika

ABSTRACT Assam, a land of natural and cultural richness and variety, has carved a mark of distinction on the annals of beauty and bounty with the Brahmaputra flowing across the Himalayas standing majestically to the north. This land is equally iconic in its multifaceted natural resources and rich flora and fauna. Despite the aforesaid scenario, burning problem of unemployment attains a new dimension with lock down followed by COVID-19 pandemic which made many young and energetic boys and girls and frustrated. Against the aforesaid backdrop, Gandhiji‟s advice and practice of spinning and the cottage industries may reduce the burning problem of unemployment