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Review on Cryptovirology

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Review on Cryptovirology

Review on Cryptovirology

Author Name : Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Yashpal Singh

ABSTRACT The present era is an era of technological revolution, witnessing the unprecedented growth in use of electronic devices especially the Mobile and Computers. This advancement, however, has also raised the concerns over misuse of technology. Research in the field of technology unveils the new resources and tools on daily basis, thereby assisting to move forward with the help of technology. Cryptography help to solve problems regarding integrity and authentication of data. The growth of cryptographic technology has raised a number of legal issues in the information age. Cryptography's potential for use as a tool for espionage and sedition has led many governments to classify it as a weapon and to limit or even prohibit its use and export. Cryptovirus now-a-days affecting much more organizations and companies by using cryptography tools, techniques and ideas. With so much sensitive information at the mercy of hackers, hospitals, schools or other government-related institutions have a lot to lose if such files cannot be recovered.