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Review on Fish Proximate Evaluation, Primary ...

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Review on Fish Proximate Evaluation, Primary ...

Review on Fish Proximate Evaluation, Primary and Secondary Post-Harvest Technology

Author Name : Okwuosa Obinna B., Eyo Joseph, Omovwohwovie Emmanuel E


The need for the development of fish preservation and processing machinery and techniques for effective fish handling, harvesting, processing and storage can never be over-emphasized especially now that aquaculture production is on the increase in Nigeria. With understanding of various traditional and modern Post-Harvest Fish Technology and better processing practices, fresh fish can be processed as desired without any significant loss of its quality. Hence, this study reviewed utilization of various post-harvest fish technology and approaches in Nigeria and in the world at large. These technologies and techniques where categorized into Primary and Secondary Post-Harvest fish technology which is based on onboard and offshore processing approaches. While the former requires little or no much technological input since it serves just for temporary preservation and the later requires much sophisticated or long lasting spoilage inhibition hence more costly to process. Nutritional significance of fish in the diet and pre-harvest handling and product safety was discussed. Curing, icing, salting, fermenting, smoking, fish pickling,canning, freezing, thawing, drying and dehydration fish post-harvest technologies and approaches  was as well discussed. This paper also discussed the most important type of post-harvest fish lose. It also describes the cause of these losses, the factors that affect or facilitate such problems. It also briefly describes the mechanisms of problems or conditions that resulted in fish loss. The losses can be physical loss, quality loss, economical or nutritional loss, and also the most important cause of loss is spoilage. Fish loss due to spoilage is estimated to be 10 to 12 million tons per year which accounts 10% of total production of fish. In general post-harvest fish loss results in low income of the society, low quality (unhygienic) fish and available fish products are very low. It also results in low diet or low nutritional value which gives in unhealthy and poor population.Through this review it appears that there are some much types of fish post-harvest technologies and approaches practiced in Nigeria and world at large. It is recommended that promotion and support research on food processing and preservation technologies at the village and household levels; and introduction and expand such technologies and training through their inclusion in the curricular of schools and training institutions should be encouraged.

Keywords: Fish Proximate, Nutrition, fish Post-harvest, primary post-harvest, secondary post-harvest