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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Review on Interplay of Science and Literature...

Review on Interplay of Science and Literature in the 19th Century: The Indian Context

Author Name : Pooja Dahiya

ABSTRACT This paper explores the intricate relationship between science and literature in 19th-century India, a period marked by significant scientific advancements and cultural transformation under British colonial rule. It examines how emerging scientific ideas and discoveries were reflected in Indian literature and how literary works engaged with and critiqued scientific concepts. By analyzing the contributions of key literary figures such as Rabindranath Tagore and Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, this study reveals how literature both mirrored and influenced contemporary scientific discourse. It also considers the role of colonial education and institutions in shaping literary responses to science. Through this exploration, the paper highlights the dynamic interplay between scientific progress and literary expression, shedding light on how literature contributed to the broader understanding and dissemination of scientific knowledge in 19th-century India.