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‘’Review on Relevance between Nidranash a...

‘’Review on Relevance between Nidranash and Ratrojagaran as a Hetu‘’

Author Name : Vd. Pranay Sanjay Pawar., Vd. Chondikar Prakash Ramkisan.

ABSTRACT In today's life sleep plays important role in human. Ratrojagran is the main cause of Insomnia. Improper sleep effects on health and health related problems. Proper 8 hours of sleep is so essential for healthy life.1,2 Insomnia is one of the cause of Ratrojagran .Ayurveda mentioned 3 important facts to keep a person in healthy status as Ahar (Diet), Nidra (Sleep), Brhamcharya (Celibacy) Out of which Nidra (Sleep) is a state which refills our power of activity which we loss in daily routine. Due to loss of sleep person may suffer many problems related to health. In recent some year, Ratrojagran is so increased due to technological development that excessive use of mobile phone is a cause of Ratrojagran. In human, Ratrojagran is a main cause of Insomnia. Improper sleep effects on health & health related problems.