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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Review on the Performance and Efficiency of S...

Review on the Performance and Efficiency of Solar Chimney- A Passive Ventilation Strategy

Author Name : Krishna Singh Rajput, Dr. V. N. Bartaria


This study is concerned with the feasibility of solar chimney and the effect of opening on the ventilation rate to reduce heat gain in the house and improving night ventilation. Passive ventilation is being proved to be an alternate approach to the mechanical ventilation system because of their potential benefits such as carbon-di-oxide emission, energy requirement and operational cost.  The solar chimney has been the subject of remarkable research and analysis since the 1990's. This article presents an overview of the past work carried out on solar chimney in the last two decades. The main focus of the review is on the effect of geometry, inclination and improving the performance of solar chimney. A valuable amount of previous research and analytic works supports the literature of this paper. Moreover this article found that a lot of work is required yet for the solar chimney as a passive ventilation strategy.

Keywords: ventilation, thermal buoyancy, convection, radiation and chimney