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“Review on use of Bio-toilet for effective ...

“Review on use of Bio-toilet for effective disposal of Rural toilet waste constructed under Swachh Bharat Mission”

Author Name : Ankitha V, Dheeraj R K, Karan K M, Jeevan Gowda N R





India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission, a nationwide cleanliness campaign in 2014 to eliminate open defecation. The problem of open defecation in India cannot be resolved through the mere availability of government-built toilets. According to US sanitation report of 2019, millions of new toilets under the programme of Swachh Bharat mission in rural areas are producing large amounts of solid and liquid waste that rural areas does not have the ability to treat and dispose the waste safely.

The Indian railway develop a toilet system to treat the toilet generated in the train called BIO-TOILET, which we are using trying to use as a solution for the safely and economical disposal of toilet waste generated in the rural area.

Bio-toilet is type of dry toilet. The bio-toilet is thermophilic compacting toilets which decompose anthropoid excretory waste in the digester tank using certain soaring graded bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) and after that converting them into methane gas and water.