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Review Paper on Future Trends of Spectrum Sen...

Review Paper on Future Trends of Spectrum Sensing Technique

Author Name : Prateek Jindal, Himanshu Kaushik

ABSTRACT: The electromagnetic radio spectrum is a precious natural resource. Most of the spectrum band is allocated to specific services but worldwide observations show that only a few per cent of the spectrum band are efficiently utilized.A possible solution to these problems has been provided if licensed spectrum is made available to unlicensed users provided there is no interference with licensed users. This can solve almost all spectrum scarcity problems, and this solution can be achieved via intelligent radio system called CR. Cognitive radios, with cognition and reconfigurable capabilities are a promising technology.One of the most prominent tasks in the implementation of cognitive radios in communication networks is the spectrum sensing. However, its performance is adversely affected due to noise uncertainty particularly in low SNR conditions. Therefore Cognitive Radio technology, Spectrum Sensing procedure, Spectrum sensing classifications is explained. Finally, Cooperative Spectrum Sensing is discussed along with its advantages and disadvantages.