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Review Paper on Various Image Compression Tec...

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Review Paper on Various Image Compression Tec...

Review Paper on Various Image Compression Techniques

Author Name : Karan Kapoor, Himanshu Kaushik

ABSTRACT:  Image compression address the problem of reducing the amount of data required to represent a digital image with no significant loss of information. Storage problems, plus the desire to exchange images over the Internet, have led to a large interest in image compression algorithms. This paper presents a survey of existing research papers. In this paper we analyze different types of existing method of image compression. Now there is question may be arising that how to image compress and which types of technique is used. There are basically two types of compression techniques. One is Lossless Compression and other is Lossy Compression Technique. Comparing the performance of compression technique is difficult unless identical data sets and performance measures are used. In present time some other techniques are added with basic method.