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Review Study on Plant Arka (Calotropis Procer...

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Review Study on Plant Arka (Calotropis Procer...

Review Study on Plant Arka (Calotropis Procera)

Author Name : Dr. Pratima.P. Tompe, Dr. Jyotsna Deshpande


In Ayurveda is mentioned by Nighantu Granthas & Samhitas. It also mentioned in Upavisha in Agadtantra by Rastaringini. Bhavamishra included in Guduchyadi Varga as a two varieties are Shweta and Rakta Arka , Dhanwantari Nighantu have mentioned Arka and Rajark while Raj Nighantu mentioned two more varieties Shuklarka and Shwet Mandara . Regarding properties they have not mentioned separately the properties of both varieties but they have mentioned different synonyms for both varieties.

Keywords- Ayurveda, Arka, Calotropis Procera, Raspanchak, Karmukata