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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Reviving the urban core by developing recreat...

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Reviving the urban core by developing recreat...

Reviving the urban core by developing recreational facility– Case of Aurangabad

Author Name : Suraj Awale, Kuldeep Kaur Bhatia, Tushar Paithankar


Cities derive their character from the patterns of activities that unfold in spaces both public and private. These spaces are an important part of the urban fabric. Providing the active (Developed with all amenities) public space brings life into the city. Similarly, this research paper is an attempt to understand the importance of the recreational spaces for the urban area. Providing the larger recreational space to cater the needs of growing historical city Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Aurangabad city is lacking in the recreational facility for the larger population of the city. This research paper mainly focuses on a) To analyse theavailable recreational open spaces in the urban core on different parameters which will help to understand the publicness of this spaces, b) To understand and document types of recreational open spaces in the urban core of city c) To develop strategies for the recreational spaces in the centre of the city by connecting urban blue (Water Body), urban green (Ecology), and historical places.

Key Words: Publicness, Recreational open spaces, Typology of open space, Urban core, Urban Ecology