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RFID Lock Based Filling Machine

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RFID Lock Based Filling Machine

RFID Lock Based Filling Machine

Author Name : Asst. Prof. Manisha G. Vaidya, Krish Garad, Ritik Darode, Tanmay Gajbhiye, Yash Raul


Generally, Traditional filling machines are prone to errors and can be easily tampered with, leading to inaccurate filling and potential product contamination. The development of an RFID lock based filling machine utilizes RFID technology to identify the container to be filled and employs a RFID lock to securely lock the container during the filling process. The machine offers a user interface where the desired amount of liquid to be filled can be selected. The RFID reader scans the RFID tag belonging to the authorized user, guaranteeing that only individuals with proper authorization can gain entry to the machine. The filling motor then dispenses the predetermined amount of liquid into the container. There are several potential avenues for further development of the RFID lock based filling machine. This can involve integrating sensors and cameras to monitor the filling operation in real-time and detect any abnormalities or deviations from the desired process.